Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Del said my blog is boring - I need to update it. Nothing exciting has happened lately though. Who wants to read about the mundane routine of everyday mom-of-five life?

I'll just give you the highlights from the last couple weeks.

Went to Rodeo Austin again - this time with Rylee's 1st grade class. We didn't do the rides at the carnival or watch bull-riding, we did the educational - How-To-Milk-a-Cow kind of thing. Rylee was on the front row and squealed with delight/disgust as the dairy farmer demonstrated with a squirt of the tit/teet (whatever) into the audience of primary schoolers. She thought it was sooooo disgusting that the milk she loves to drink comes out of THAT. "Ewwwwwww!"

As we were walking out of the dairy demo, I told her I used to live next door to a family that had a cow, and my brothers used to share the milking chore, so we could get our milk for free. I told her I've even milked a cow before by hand - not that fancy machine. She looks at me a little funny and says, "Mom, did you used to live in the olden days?" I laughed, and said - "Yep - I think SO!"

We also watched some pig races. It was GREAT fun. "Our" pig won 3/4 times, so our group received pig noses as a prize. So cute and funny!

Waiting for the pig races to start! Yeeee Hawwww!

OK, next highlight - We went to this comedy place the other night with 2 other couples - it's called Esther's Follies. It was pretty fun. First we ate at the Iron Cactus - YUMMY. Really good spinach artichoke dip - I'm always trying to find one that equals Corbin's Grill in Layton, Utah. Sadly, none have measured up yet, but this one came pretty close.

Keri, Ken, Leslie, Brent, Me and Del. Good times, Good times.

Next highlight -

Del built a fence for Sarah, so she'd stop tearing up the yard, and chewing through the hose every time we water the trees, and knocking all the little kids over when she'd jump up on them to lick them to death. She is HUGE, and is a menace. Can't wait for the puppy stage to be over soon - I heard it'll take another YEAR. Good grief. This is the beast that used to be the cute little puppy!

I also planted some flowers in the front yard to beautify it a little. MY first flowers planted in my ENTIRE life. Uh huh - who knew I could be so domestic? LOL.

Sunday was General Conference. We played Conference Bingo - always a favorite with the kids. After conference, we had a Mexican pot-luck with 3 other families. Sadly, I didn't get any pics of the rest of them - too busy eating and playing. I did get a couple of Brent and Ken playing the piano. AKA - Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. They have some serious man-love going on. They can sit at the piano and play ANYTHING together. It's really fun/funny to watch.

Going through all my sheet music. They're both VERY talented!

So - I think I'm caught up till now!


Ginger said...

I'm jealous! Your life is so much more fun than mine! You guys need to come visit and teach us how to have FUN! LOL :*)

Natalie@Endless Crafting said...

Just yesterday the kids were asking me if we had computers in the "olden days" I told them I took a typing class in high school and that we didn't have a computer class or internet like they do now. They asked how we did all of our research then...uhh BOOKS! haha. It made me feel REALLY old.

Wendy said...

At least your husband looks at your blog. I don't think mine knows how. (Talk about olden days!) Glad you updated. Love ya!

Corrianne said...

oh your life is always so eventful, I love it! I need to come play sometime soon, guess what I'm going to NYC for a hair show in 2 weeks! ps...for the record I fixed your name on my blog, I can't believe I spelled it wrong! oops! love ya!

Mhari said...

Good for Del keeping you in line. The Ken and Brent pic is so true to life. Can't deny the guy love!

Ken said...

So which one am I? Tweedle-dee or Tweedle-dum?

Sparkle Mama said...

Awwwwwwww y'all look so cute in your group photo on your triple date :) I didn't know Brent played too! Right on. I think their man love is so sweet ;)

Love the pig noses and the sweet pic of you two! Mommy daughter pics rock!