Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Matt will be 14 in March.  

This last weekend, a GIRL at school invited him to go to the movies on MLK holiday.  We asked him how many were going, how many girls/boys, what they're seeing etc.

He didn't know all the answers, but said he'd email his friend and get back to us.

One friend (girl) and her cousin (girl.)

We said no, that it's too much like a date, and he's not allowed to date until he's 16, and that he's not allowed to SINGLE date until he's 21.  LOL.  (We'll see how long we can get away with THAT.)  He said she's just a friend - he doesn't like her THAT WAY.

As I got into my email today, Matt's email was already logged in.  Is it bad that I read some of his?  Oh, who are we kidding - I really don't care what anybody else thinks.  I'd do it again.  This same "friend" had sent him a few emails addressed to "Hey cutie" and another that said it's ok that he couldn't go to the movie that day, but that she would "save that movie to see with only YOU, and nobody else."

Freaking out here.

I want to throw myself on the floor kicking and screaming, WISHING that my boys didn't have to grow up.  I KNOW what's ahead for them.  I DON'T know what's ahead for them.  I'm scared of forward girls who have very little inhibitions nowadays if they have a victim within their reach.  I'm REALLY scared of cell phones, texting, emails, and the internet.  They don't even have cell phones yet - we're avoiding them like the plague.  At what age do they truly NEED them?  We never had cell phones growing up, and we didn't DIE without them.

Life with my little kids is over as we know it.  The small window of opportunity where they think we know everything, where WE are their heroes, where we still have the most influence over them.  I'm sad.  It happens so gradually, you don't even see it coming.


Ryan and Shannon Rapier said...

My absolute sincere condolences. Abby got new jeans this last week and was wearing them while playing on their new bars. I walked in and told Shannon to shoot me because there was a figure within those jeans. NOT COOL! Also she asked if she could have boys at her birthday party this year. HER 10th BDAY. UMMMM NO!!!!! I am afraid I may have raised one of those forward girls. Heaven help me.

Natalie@Endless Crafting said...

You are doing a great job, have instilled in them values and with a little help they will be okay. This is what I have to tell myself everyday. Brandt has a cell phone but he can't delete any of his text messages and we have full right to read them. He is totally okay with that, if he wasn't then I would be worried. I can't believe we have to worry about girls already!

Anonymous said...

Im Sorry I know how you feel and its not fun. The hard part is letting them have their free agency and while they do we just pray and pray and pray hoping what we taught they will do. It does get better over time and then they honor you by serving a mission. Stick with your teaching standards and be part of their lives all the time. You are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Oh the cell phone, my server lets me put only the 15 numbers I allow for my child to text and to call. No other numbers are alowed. It cost me only 5 extra dollars a month. That way the intent of the phone for our communication is met.

Collette said...

So I had a thought when you said 'forward girls'.

My nephew just got married a few weeks ago and we started talking.. he said Mom's & Dad's always teach them to be nice boys, and how to treat women and what NOT to do with girls, but no one ever taught him how to handle a VERY forward girl who was being a little too nice.. if you know what I mean.. It really it home when he said that.. I'm now going to include the how to deal with really forward girls in my 'talks' with my little ones! lol!

I can't even imagine a 14 year old! Good luck with that! I can see why you're terrified!

Holli said...

I'm plugging my ears! I don't want to hear that this will be facing my boys in the future that I know is just around the corner. NOT LISTENING!

Okay, I'm listening. Because I need to know so I can be prepared! You have good kids. Teach them, then pray! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

LOL- Welcome to my life! I am still laugh I cant stop!!!

Trisha said...

I don't have ay experience in the department but it sounds like you are doing a terrific job! Whenever I went out with friends my parents made me take their cell phone-you know the big great one with the flip doen bottom that weighted 5 lbs almost. It was just in case anything happened, but they all truested my friends-my guy friends more than my female because they treated me like a princess and had all been grilled by my dad. I didn't have my very own cell phone until I could afford one and even then I didn't have one until I was 20 or 21.
Keep the faith. Your doing great!

Valerie and Christopher said...

you'll do fine! but i feel for you. I am so scared for when my little babies stop having little problems. i am very grateful that the biggest problem we face is staying dry through the night and not hitting/kicking/biting/saying stupid. LOL good luck!
p.s. i know cilla because my sister-in-law (Tammy) is her husband's (Peter's) sister. also, i shaved my head because i cut my husbands hair too short and had to shave his so...i shaved mine to be fair and to see whose would grow back faster...crazy crazy 21 year olds!

Jordan and Luci said...

I would have read it too! Kristin, your blog seriously makes me happy! It's always makes me laugh and brightens my day. Anyways, good luck with the boys growing up thing. You'll probably need more luck when your girls are that age!

Sherra said...

Kristin - it has been so fun to read your blog and catch up with you! You have a beautiful family. I empathize with you and the teenage thing - I feel EXACTLY like you! My hardest moments as a Mom so far have been with the dating scene - I'm just not ready for it! I miss when they were toddlers and we were all home for prayers and I could just tuck them in and relax. Not so anymore!

morris said...

And so it begins! How about you make all the mistakes and then tell me what not to do or what to do. I would appreciate that, thanks. Matthew is a good kid he won't do anything stupid, yet? But the cell phone thing I agree on giving them one just so I can get a hold of them when I need to or want to. I like only giving them so many numbers they can call though.
Good luck you'll do great!

Sparkle Mama said...

I feel for ya... I have no idea what that would be like- I don't want to even think of Emma and Ethan growing up so fast :( Hang in there. At least you have the promise that if you raise them in righteousness and they go off of the path... that they will someday return. Right? :)

Ken said...

Glad you are going through this before us. We need the coaching beforehand.