Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I scream, You scream...

The other night we were messin' around.  Seeing who could scream the loudest.  I can't scream at all.  I can do a mean whistle, but I haven't been able to really scream good since the great Tonsillectomy of 1984.  I videoed the screams, but the pictures are stinkin' funny-lookin'.    

Here are the contestants - all fierce competitors in their own right - 

Rylee - she has a very tiny mouth and squeaky voice, but MAN, can she belt it out!

Sydney looks a little demonic - but she's SUPER loud!

Travis' can surprisingly pass as a GIRL's scream, if you weren't looking at him. (he's all boy.)

Bug - not quite to puberty yet, can shamefully belt it out WELL.

Matt's is pathetic, at best.  His is more of a YELL, or yelp. (he's happy he can't scream like a girl.)

If I can figure out how to upload the video on this thing, I'll post it tomorrow.  I still don't have the winners, so maybe ya'll can help me judge who has the best one.


Jared and Janelle said...

I already think that Rylee is going to win. Can't wait to see the video.

N8ster said...

Too funny. We had a scream contest at our house the other night as well. Ours was a contest for highest pitch.

Hazel won, but Aspen could definitely hit a high note and hold it for a long time.

Trisha said...

That is fun! I can't wait to see the video.

Anonymous said...

That was great!!!! I loved it. I thought they were all good, but Travis really made me laugh.

Sherra said...

You are hilarious. I vote for Bug.

Sparkle Mama said...

Love those pics!

Ken said...

Love Rylee's face. She looks pretty fierce. Though Travis on the video has some pipes.