Earlier tonight I was chatting with my brothers Eric and Jared about the scream contest. These two are both dentists. Eric lives in Colorado, and Jared in San Diego.
They wanted to give it a whirl. I'm thinking Jared makes the best woman.
He puts my scream to shame.
Jared's on the right.
I'm embarrassed to call you two my brothers!
Yea Jared blows Travis out the water! You guys are freakin hilarious!!!
That's right, when it comes to screaming like a woman, I blow the competition away.
Jared sounds like Marv on Home Alone when Kevin put the tarantula on him.
Kristen - You have, by far, the most entertaining blog I know. My husband has no clue who you are, but he still wants to know what new stuff you've come up with. You motivate me!!! Now, how do you do that 3 way video thing??
LOL - Thanks Darla!
You can do a 3-way Chat on iChat - on a MAC. It's so fun. Three is the max, but then you just hit record, and it records all 3. It's super fun. It's also nice, because we live in 5 different states. 2 in CO, 2 in CA, 2 in UT, 1 in WA, and us in TX. People ask me how often I see my siblings, or when was the last time you saw them, and I feel like I see them ALL THE TIME. Plus the kids have fun seeing all their cousins too. Good times, good times.
Thanks for visiting my blog - and tell your husband we'll have to meet someday. How far is Del Rio from Austin?
That was hilarious! Thansk for the laughs.
I would definitely say your brother Jared wind that hands down. :o)
Did that noise actually come out of Jared's mouth? I'm in shock and awe right now. "JUst when I think [Jared] can't get any dumber, he goes and does something like that and TOTALLY redeems himself!"
PS I agree with Janelle and the home alone scream. When I heard his scream, I seriously wondered where I had heard that before.
That totally made me laugh at loud... so much I almost woke Emma up! ha ha- your fam is a hoot. It was fun to see your brothers and put faces with the names.
Now I see where you get it from. You guys are too much...
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