I've been wanting to take pics of the kids to hang in the family room upstairs, so we went over to this really cool abandoned barn. After hundreds of pics, I've narrowed it down to these.
I'm making them into posters - 20x30. Ruthy and Jordan work at Heritage Makers, and they can get a really good deal for family. Wooo Hooo! They'll be printed on canvas and stretched on wooden frames.
Thank you so much for all the help - I've decided to go with the colored photos. I just love the rustic look and the reds. Plus the eyes and hair. I also retook Bug's and Trav's pics - I like these much better. Thanks again.

I like them in color, because I like to see hair color and eye color. Maybe you could do each individual in b&w and then the group photo in color, or the other way around, that way making something more of the focal point! Either way, they all look great!
Wow your kiddos are so big. I love the color in these pictures I think you would lose something in black and white. Great Pictures ...Their mom must be so talented.
They look Great!!! They must take after their Aunt Kelsey.
I will ask Shannon later to write in with her opinion, but I would have to say COLOR strictly for one reason only...Sydney's eye color. That is so striking that it needs to be seen. All the other pictures are great too and the colors add so much, but if for no other reason, do color for Sydney's eyes. By the way, nice job on the pictures Ansel Claridge.
I like the pictures in color. I think in color you get the whole rustic barn feel. The pictures are great as always. Miss you!
I think color pics. They are super cute. And I think you would lose the feel of the barn if you go b&w.
I like color, because that's what everybody else likes, plus I didn't see them in black and white, so I have nothing to compare them to.
I'm going against everyone here, I say B & W. But do a collage (sp?) of color on another wall. THe B&W will look a lot more "timeless" and sophisticated and match any decor. Do you have the capablilites to do B & W with touches of color, (eyes, or shirts or lips?) That may be cool too.
So, where adn when are you meeting me to do our pictures on Thanksgiving weekend? (HA!) My two oldest girls have these great "thrift store" (long story) formals they are dying to do some outdoor "glamour shots" with. Big hair, big make-up etc. They are redo-ing their bedroom and want some funky B&W posters of themselves to hang. ANy tips for locations around here? I'm thinking by water would be cool.
I'm thinking Color! I think you will loose a lot of the pics if you change them.. Sydney's eyes are amazing, the red in their cheeks, the color of their lips and the colors in the barn... don't change a thing! Lol!
Hey Stranger! How are you. I just have to say that I really like the color. those turned out really nice. What a good looking family you have.
I want to see them in b&w before I give my opinion...
Thanks for all the input - here are the black and whites for comparison.
Thanks for the help!
I like them both so I'm not any help... Beautiful pictures though! Good luck!
Black and white. Or maybe try a tri tone and add a little brown or something. It ties them together. Also I'd lighten the face of your oldest son. His picture seems to be darker than the others.
The barn is a cool idea for a backdrop. Your pictures turned out pretty cool.
They are cute both ways, but I prefer black and white over color. I love the barn background... how cool is that! I need to take advantage of my in laws barn and do this too! Thanks for the idea! Just wish you were here to take them for me :) I need to know your photography secret!
Love both of them! Do you have photoshop? If you do, there is something called the hollywood effect that would be really cool too.
I still like the color ones. I bet Sepia would look pretty cool for them too though. I think I'd prefer Sepia over black and white.
With teeth. I love the color, but black and white is so clean looking when displaying them that big. Good luck.
Color. Definitely color. The colors are so rich! It feel like it loses a lot when it goes black and white. And I like the pic with teeth of Matthew.
Thank you so much for all the comments. It has really helped. I think I'm going to go with the color, but I'm still retaking Trav and Bug. And Matt's - I'm using the teeth one.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Lamar and I can not believe how big your kids are! holy cow! It is fun to see who looks like who.
These are all great!
FABulous pics! I love them all :)
Does Matt's armpit itch??
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